Author: Inframundo Literario

"Sumérgete en las profundidades de lo desconocido y despierta tus peores temores a través de las letras."

La Sombra del Tiburón es una película que cuenta la historia de Alma, una mujer que siente una presencia que la perturba por las noches. Por recomendación de su hermana se compra una cámara de vigilancia que conecta en su habitación mientras duerme. Las imágenes grabadas hacen que dude de su cordura e inicia un proceso terapéutico que le llevará a descubrir el misterio qué le persigue en su vida y en su cabeza. Pero también La Sombra del Tiburón es una película que nace de la necesidad de volver a conectar con la pasión de crear largometrajes y del…

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Overlook Film Festival 2024 – Ever since The Walking Dead and more recently, The Last of Us, the wave of apocalyptic films and TV shows feels endless. Some are certainly better than others. Arcadian is a wickedly cool creature feature that, though, a bit short on the world-building, excels at offering plenty of tension and frightening monsters. Directed by Benjamin Brewer with a script by Michael Nilon, the film stars Nicolas Cage as Paul, who, during the film’s opening, saves two baby boys just as the world crashes. Fast forward to fifteen years later, and the boys are all grown…

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Rating: 8/10 Synopsis Ji-won’s life tumbles into disarray in the wake of her appa’s extramarital affair and subsequent departure. Her mother, distraught. Her younger sister, hurt and confused. Her college freshman grades, failing. Her dreams, horrifying… yet enticing. In them, Ji-won walks through bloody rooms full of eyes. Succulent blue eyes. Salivatingly blue eyes. Eyes the same shape and shade as George’s, who is Umma’s obnoxious new boyfriend. George has already overstayed his welcome in her family’s claustrophobic apartment. He brags about his puffed-up consulting job, ogles Asian waitresses while dining out, and acts condescending toward Ji-won and her sister…

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A new piece of legislation introduced to the Tennessee state senate by Republican Steve Southerland will effectively ban chemtrails in the skies over the Volunteer State.Due to an amendment added in February, the bill—which passed in the house earlier this month with a vote of 70-22-1 and is currently headed to Governor Bill Lee for approval—will prohibit “the intentional injection, release, or dispersion, by any means, of chemicals, chemical compounds, substances, or apparatus within the borders of this state into the atmosphere with the express purpose of affecting temperature, weather, or the intensity of the sunlight.”While the bill does not…

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The Bottom Line: A riveting historical thriller set at the intersection between white and tribal culture in Arizona. Fans of Dark Winds will love The Relentless Sun.  Set in the 1970s, Relentless Sun begins as archeologist and investigator Harry Thursday embarks on a government mission to Flagstaff, Arizona. Working for the Bureau of Audits and Reclamation (BAR),  a clandestine Pentagon department tasked with finding lost and stolen World War II war booty, Harry returns to Flagstaff for the first time in 20 years. But what begins as an investigation into a mysterious collection of rare rubies is destined to become…

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Revisiting 70s ‘Hellivision’ – Late Night with the Devil The Devil – or his son and various demonic minions when they appear on your television set. An exploration. But remember, “No Flipping!” The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling (2018) – Film Media Group Giving the Devil His Due – on Live TV “We just wrapped Late Night With the Devil. I almost didn’t read the script, because I was like, ‘That is such a cheesy title. There is no way this movie is going to be something that’s not going to be just a B-movie.’ But then I was told by…

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Durante un encuentro con los medios en el Teatro Cal Ninyo, el director del Fantboi, Hugo Cobo y el Regidor de Cultura de Sant Boi de Llobregat, José Manuel Labrador, presentaron al público asistente el poster obra de Alba Qm basado en el leit motiv de esta cuarta edición del Fantboi: Only happens in Japan.Asimismo desgranaron alguno de los títulos que formarán la columna vertebral de la extensa programación de este año que no solo ha contado con una participación numéricamente superior a la de ediciones anteriores sino que ha asentado el carácter internacional del Fantboi al presentarse títulos procedentes…

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MONOLITH, the new sci-fi thriller starring Lily Sullivan (Evil Dead Rise) is set to hit theatres and VOD on February 16th! Written by Lucy Campbell, and directed by Matt Vesely, the film was shot in one location, and stars only one person. Lily Sullivan. This basically puts the entire film on her back, but after Evil Dead Rise, I think she’s up to the task!   Recently, we had the chance to chat with Matt Vesely about directing the film, and the challenges behind its creation! Read our interview after the trailer below: Monolith Official Trailer iHorror: Matt, thanks for your time!…

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The winner of the 2024 Philip K. Dick Award for distinguished original science fiction paperback published for the first time during 2023 in the USA is: These Burning Stars by Bethany Jacobs (Orbit) Special Citation was awarded to The Museum of Human History by Rebekah Bergman (Tin House) The PKD Award was presented at Norwescon 46, March 28-31. Our congrats to the winners and all the nominees. Posted in Awards, Philip K. Dick Award No comments yet. Add Your Comment Be civil. Keep it clean. Stay on topic. No spam. Comments from new users will be moderated. Comments RSS Feed

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On the first night in their new house and bedroom, two brothers hear someone knocking on the sliding glass door. When opened, a human-shaped shadow is there and hisses on them.The following account was forwarded to me:“I don’t know how to explain it. I wanted to get your take and ask you what you think I saw. It’s been over 20 years ago now. My family had relocated to St. Albans, West Virginia. There are so many little details, that I’m going to try to cram it all into one message here.Back when I was in the 4th grade, my…

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